by Birth Mom Missions on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 2:27pm
- What is her favorite color?
- How is she sleeping?
- Has she been sick yet?
- Does she gets scared of the thunder?
- Does she play in her tutu I got for her? Does it fit? Isn't pink her favorite color?
- What words can she say?
- Does she have an accent like me?
- Is her stomach doing ok? Does she regularly poop?
- Does she like to take baths or not?
- What’s her favorite song?
- Her favorite book?
- Do you sing or read her to sleep at night?
- Do you ever play the songs I put on the CD for her to hear?
- How well can she talk now?
- Does she make friends easily?
- What is her Last name? Or just her middle one?
- Does she recognize people after meeting them just once?
- How is her teething coming along?
- Does she have an overbite? (I did)
- How was she on the first plane trip she took?
- Does she share well with others?
- Is she picky about anything?
- What is the most annoying thing she does? (If any)
- Has she asked questions about why she looks different yet?
- I could go on forever, and I do in my mind, everyday.
Can you just tell me everything about her, I long so deep to know who she is. Hug her for me, PLEASE!
This page is just pieces of my diary over the past five years or so. I got this awesome software that will dictate my speech and type up anything I say, so I’m just going through all my writings and FINALLY going to get them documented somewhere! I am not a big fan of typing, or else I would be sharing so much more with you. These entries are not very well organized yet, but you can probably tell what time it is written y who I am addressing it to.
So if some of the words are a bit off, it’s probably because the dictation software heard me wrong and I have yet to correct it. For example: “I have so many hopes and James for you” just go ahead and assume that means dreams…lol
I put different entries in different colors, to make it a little clearer
- Letters I never sent
- My Dreams
- The recurring dream (main one)
- Things I’d tell her
- Video Diaries
I was just wondering…