(First part was written back in 06 about blogging...')
Now I know now there are MANY birth moms that have blogs, some have been blogging long before I ever did. If you want to list your blog and are a "birthmom, first mom, whatever you like call it" you can list it here, if ya want. I bought the domain for Birth Mom Missions, years ago, it's probably about time we use it!
http://birthmomblogs.com/ (still working on the look don't worry)
Just post your blog in the right category! "Baby Scoop Era" and "Perfect Open adoptions "allowed! We each had a different experience that's for sure!
Love ya'll

Maybe you should hurry too, because one day it might be a good idea to charge 5 bucks to join the site. I know alot of adoptive blogging pay for advertisement. But we shouldn't have to if we ever get a donation or I win the lottery and that will hopefully happen someday! I don't think it means we are doing very good, if still the only donation we have received is from my dad, and that was just to pay for the non-profit certification fee. Remember when we first started up, those old comments when people thought we were making money off exploiting adoption? haha. I will let you girls know if we ever get a donation though!
I think our "reviews"are our best donations though, the rest will come someday!"
Pray for us!

5% of people make things happen
10% of people watch things happen
85% say "What happened?"

So blogging turned out not to be so weird. Many "birthmoms" are encouraged too, more than I noticed before. The agency I went to now asks many to blog about their experiences (after they edit them of course). I have a bit of a sour opinion of my agency though, so I wouldn’t do anything to help promote their cause. I never name them though.
Here is the thing I don’t understand….How can these birth mothers blog about how they TRULY feel. It’s impossible, I say. Even if anonymously written, to tell the truth would give away your identity without much thought required. I know the adoptive parents don't read my blog and I think I want l to keep it that way. I would feel too guilty to ever write honestly how I miss her. My agency, BTW, might have encouraged that thinking…they told us not to dry or sound sad when talking to the parents, because they can feel horrible gilt about it. (That was their last piece of post-adoption advice to me!)
I sent in letter asking for updates. So everyday I wait for an update. I want to know if she is ok and see her smiling face. I wonder what she looks like know? Every time I get an update, she has changed SO MUCH! I bet her hair is long now, I wonder what color? Can she walk and talk well? How is her health? These thoughts go through my head every day, many times. It’s the time before bed that is the worst, how can a mom sleep with such little knowledge of her child’s health and heart?
I wasn't clear enough at the beginning how many updates I wanted. I guess I didn’t know, and I was focused on the little task of labor first. I blame myself, I made the choice after all, these are the consequences I knew could happen.
My nightstand... (maybe a little much?) It's only been a year :)
Now I know now there are MANY birth moms that have blogs, some have been blogging long before I ever did. If you want to list your blog and are a "birthmom, first mom, whatever you like call it" you can list it here, if ya want. I bought the domain for Birth Mom Missions, years ago, it's probably about time we use it!
http://birthmomblogs.com/ (still working on the look don't worry)
Just post your blog in the right category! "Baby Scoop Era" and "Perfect Open adoptions "allowed! We each had a different experience that's for sure!
Love ya'll

Maybe you should hurry too, because one day it might be a good idea to charge 5 bucks to join the site. I know alot of adoptive blogging pay for advertisement. But we shouldn't have to if we ever get a donation or I win the lottery and that will hopefully happen someday! I don't think it means we are doing very good, if still the only donation we have received is from my dad, and that was just to pay for the non-profit certification fee. Remember when we first started up, those old comments when people thought we were making money off exploiting adoption? haha. I will let you girls know if we ever get a donation though!
I think our "reviews"are our best donations though, the rest will come someday!"
Pray for us!

5% of people make things happen
10% of people watch things happen
85% say "What happened?"

Blogging For Dummies